Tuesday, February 16, 2010

what I learned today.

First and for most I want to apologize for any incorrect grammar or typos. It will happen and i'll be to unconcerned with correcting it. well today i learned two very important things. what we will first talk about was a. what it feels like to staple your finger. the answer is a mixture of laughter and pain. today while in my creative cuisine class i got in a rather heated discussion with a fellow classmate you see, she seemed for some odd reason to think that if you fail to have sex before you get married you were much more likely to have a divorse. i didn't see the logic my rebutle was half joking half serious. and i have a nasty habbit of figiting with things and the only near by was a stapler and presto. next the room filled with a scream. more of shock than pain. followed by laughter. with such a thing as stapling yourself one can't help but laugh.

b.to play magic
during the downtime at play i decided it was time i tried to learn the game that most of the theatre kids play. let me tell you. its rather confusing. with all the mythical creatures, manna, and remedies, shields and stuff i can't even begin to tell you. but it was rather fun. and tom maybe i'll actually accomplish something in the game.

and don't worry next i'll begin to post some stories and such:)

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